
Available Psychiatrist Regional & Brisbane Appointments

We are delighted to offer Brisbane & Noosa Psychiatrists appointments.

Brisbane – Tuesday 30 July with Dr Jim Rodney | Psychiatrist 

Noosa – Tuesday 30 July with Dr Donald Grant | Psychiatrist 

Brisbane – Thursday 1 August with Dr Donald Grant | Psychiatrist 

All your appointments can be booked on 1300 568 543.

Should you have any questions, or would like to discuss a case please do not hesitate to call us, we would be delighted to help you in any way possible.

  • 15 July 2024

    The Shoulder

    Anatomy of the Shoulder The shoulder is made up of three bones, the scapula or the shoulder blade, the clavicle or the collar bone… Read More
  • 01 July 2024

    Chondromalacia Patella

    Chondromalacia literally means softening of the cartilage, and patella means knee cap. Chondromalacia patella means softening of the articular cartilage of the knee cap. … Read More
  • 24 June 2024

    The Brain and Nervous System

    The brain and the rest of the nervous system make up a control centre for the human body. All actions, both voluntary and involuntary,… Read More
  • 24 June 2024

    The Human Eye

    The eye is a sense organ which allows us to obtain more information from our surroundings than each of the other four sense organs.… Read More


25 June 2024

What does it mean?

In this article we go through a series of terms you may hear in your dealings with a medicolegal specialist. Terminology and Tests Aggravation An…

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Past articles are listed below:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Spinal Conditions
  • The Human Ear
  • The Human Mouth
  • Medical Terminology
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